Małopolski Instytut Kultury

fot. A. Kuczara

The Małopolska Institute of Culture together with the Andrychów Commune carried out a project titled “Economic education using the ‘Peasant Business School’ from 8 June 2012 to 30 April 2013”. The project was subsidised with funds from the National Bank of Poland. The main aim of the project was to stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes and develop social competences among school pupils. Other aims included also the popularisation of economic knowledge and the promotion of the knowledge of market economy principles.

Four main tasks have been carried out within the framework of the project:

  • 300 copies of the second edition of the game as well as 800 copies of the printed methodological materials entitled “The Peasant Business School” have been developed and printed. “An inspiration for teachers”;
  • Five training courses on the application of the game in schools have been organised. They were intended for teachers and educational counsellors from the Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, Mazowieckie and Świętokrzyskie regions. Three training courses on the application of the game for those interested in bottom-up educational initiatives as well as two additional training courses for teachers from Andrychów and its vicinity have also been organised. A total of 217 people took part in all of the above mentioned training courses. Moreover, 100 schools and four teacher training centres were equipped with the PBS game.
  • Three regional inter-school tournaments have been organised in the Małopolskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie regions;
  • 87 copies of the game have been sent to 85 partner institutions interested in carrying out their own educational initiatives with the use of the game; thanks to them, a total of 10,944 players took part in the PBS game.

The project met with great success and surpassed all expectations. A total of 15,881 people took part in PBS games within the project! At the same time, interesting sociological research was conducted. It was supported by surveys. The research results and detailed information concerning the project are in project evaluation report.

MAŁOPOLSKI INSTYTUT KULTURY W KRAKOWIE, ul. 28 lipca 1943 17c, 30-233 Kraków, tel.: +48 12 422 18 84, 631 30 70, 631 31 75, NIP: 675 000 44 88 | Projekt i wykonanie | Polityka prywatności